Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Church Opens...

Gluten, the Roman word for glue- and I am in love. About a month ago I learned that one can get nearly pure protein from nothing but wheat. While it can involve kneading and a completely wet kitchen filled with starch stains, it can also be easy- with vital wheat gluten.

The stuff turns into virtual meat, having the same texture and consistency without the annoying speed bumps like bones and gristle that 'real' meat does. With a typical Vegan injection of copious amounts of spice, it can fool you. After all, its all about the flavor anyway.

I have found gluten recipes from Japan (obviously it is where the word seitan comes from), Nepal, Central America and even Cajun Country. So my question is this- why isn't gluten solving the problems of world hunger. Why do we give the hungry rice, hell give 'em SEITAN!

Herein I plan (blogs usually end up as plans and no action) to muse about the gluten, seitan with the occasional recipe that I try out.